Maximizing the potentials in small Business
Like a vortex, business opportunities remains a moving train running, never stopping at any station to board passengers. As a matter of fact, it discharges passengers quickly than it boards and sadly, it does that while on the move. The conception of a business idea is like purchasing a seed, waiting to plant it. Advancing those thoughts and making the necessary moves with regards to the business idea is like planting the seed waiting for it to grow. Now, the planting season varies, abundance of rain and little sun, and then vice versa. When there is sufficient rain and sunlight, the seed sprouts and blooms. Invariably, when there is sufficient willpower, patience and when the nitty gritty required to make the business flourish is well placed, then the business can weather the storm, come what may. Every single business started small, the success of such businesses today was largely dependent on the potentials the entrepreneur saw in that business amidst the turbulent past. Microsoft, Dangote, Facebook, Apple Inc and other multi billion businesses across the globe started very small with destination the principal focus rather than the start point. Every little business has potentials, profit motive should be discarded at the beginning; such motives choke up the very progress that business will likely make. Like a seed, small businesses have changed the world forever and controls the entirety of nations economy in the scheme of things!
By Jeffrey Oparah
Like a vortex, business opportunities remains a moving train running, never stopping at any station to board passengers. As a matter of fact, it discharges passengers quickly than it boards and sadly, it does that while on the move. The conception of a business idea is like purchasing a seed, waiting to plant it. Advancing those thoughts and making the necessary moves with regards to the business idea is like planting the seed waiting for it to grow. Now, the planting season varies, abundance of rain and little sun, and then vice versa. When there is sufficient rain and sunlight, the seed sprouts and blooms. Invariably, when there is sufficient willpower, patience and when the nitty gritty required to make the business flourish is well placed, then the business can weather the storm, come what may. Every single business started small, the success of such businesses today was largely dependent on the potentials the entrepreneur saw in that business amidst the turbulent past. Microsoft, Dangote, Facebook, Apple Inc and other multi billion businesses across the globe started very small with destination the principal focus rather than the start point. Every little business has potentials, profit motive should be discarded at the beginning; such motives choke up the very progress that business will likely make. Like a seed, small businesses have changed the world forever and controls the entirety of nations economy in the scheme of things!
By Jeffrey Oparah